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May 2024 – things to do in the Garden

May is recognised as the last month of Spring, we are now well on our way to early Summer and our dormant gardens have now transformed themselves into a world of new growth and greenery.

Some plants to buy or enjoy in May

Euphorbias, Wallflowers, Honesty, Tulips & glorious Peonies, Nicotiana, Honeysuckles, sweet peas & the fragile, stunningly-fragant Lily of the Valley are but a few of the lovely flowers to enjoy this month.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are also at their best in May together with Deutzia, Cornus (flowering dogwoods) and Viburnum plicatum.

General Garden maintenance

• Hoe or hand-weed beds weekly, to prevent weeds establishing themselves
• Put supports in place for perennials that are prone to flopping, such as top-heavy peonies or phlox
• Apply nitrogen-rich summer lawn feed to encourage green growth
• Trim topiary and shaped shrubs regularly to promote bushy growth and keep them neat
• Sow grass seed or lay new turf by the end of this month
• Check shrubs for nests before you start any pruning, to avoid disturbing nesting birds
• Clean out and scrub bird feeders regularly to maintain hygiene
• Build sturdy wigwams and supports for climbers such as runner beans, sweet peas and morning glory
• Watch out for aphids on shoot tips and young foliage, and wipe them off or spray with a shop bought solution
• Scoop out pondweed, blanketweed and algae from ponds
• Paint or treat wooden garden furniture ready for summer

Yellow secateurs

Flowerbeds and Pots

• Prune spring shrubs eg: forsythia and chaenomeles, after flowering to keep them compact
• Plant out dahlia tubers and cannas after all risk of frost has passed
• Tie in the new shoots of climbing plants, including clematis, wisteria and honeysuckle
• Plant up hanging baskets, but keep in a greenhouse or porch for a few weeks to establish, before putting outside
• Apply liquid feed to tulips, daffodils and other spring bulbs to encourage a good display next year
• Plant out summer bedding and tender annuals, including sunflowers, cosmos and nasturtiums, after the last frost
• Check lilies and fritillaries for scarlet lily beetles and their larvae, as they can rapidly strip plants of all foliage
• Harden off tender plants raised indoors, but bring them back in at night to protect from late frosts
• Pinch out the shoot tips of bedding plants and young annuals to encourage bushier growth
• Add interest to shady borders or corners by planting a selection of hostas and ferns in the ground or in pots

The “Chelsea Chop”

• The Chelsea Chop is a way of cutting back herbaceous and perennials plants to make them bushier, with more stems and more flowers. It’s good for plants which can get too tall or leggy later in the year, such as Nepeta, Phlox, Alchemilla and daisy-flowered perennials like Asters and Michaelmas Daisies.
• By chopping of the top of the stems in late May, growth will be checked and the plant will throw out more shoots and flower later. The Chelsea chop is really a light prune, and the result is a more compact plant which will flower slightly later.
• Traditionally done in late May to coincide with the time of the Chelsea flower show, the idea is to prune the plant back by about a third, by reducing the length of the plant stems. You can either chop the whole plant, or selected plants in the group, or individual stems on the plant to stagger flowering. Whilst May is the traditional time, it depends on the growing season as the plant needs to have put on a decent amount of growth to be reduced by the Chop.

Fruit and vegetables

• Earth up potatoes, covering the shoots with soil as they appear
• Start sowing dwarf and climbing French beans, as well as runner beans, directly outdoors in warm weather
• Pick rhubarb stems and water plants with liquid feed
• Start hardening off tender young plants, such as tomatoes and courgettes, ready for planting out in mild areas
• Sow batches of salad leaves and stir-fry crops every few weeks to provide continuous pickings

Gardens as a nature resource – Spring

In England the total gardens area is much larger than that of our Nature Reserves. This means that your and your neighbours’ gardens are an important resource for sustaining the biodiversity of our country.

In the Spring both nature and gardeners are becoming more active, so here’s some ideas that can help nature as you garden.

The Lawn

Consider allowing the grass to grow longer in some areas of your garden this spring and summer. This could allow buttercups, clover, dandelions and other plants to flower providing valuable nectar and pollen to bumblebees and other insects. It will also save you time with less areas to mow!

The longer grass can also provide cover for smaller creatures to hide from predators. Hedgehogs can be drawn to longer grass for nesting materials and food. Hedgehogs are a gardener’s friend keeping insect numbers and slugs and snails in balance, but the number of hedgehogs has dramatically declined over recent years. Always check long grass for any resident hedgehogs before mowing, and if your garden is fenced leave a small gap or two at the bottom to allow hedgehogs to travel between neighbouring gardens.

You don’t need to let your whole lawn go wild to help wildlife as some birds, such as blackbirds, thrushes and starlings, need short turf to probe for worms and other invertebrates.

If you have moss growing in your lawn then consider leaving some as it makes great nesting material for birds. If you rake moss out then you can use it to line your hanging baskets.

Hedges and shrubs

Many birds will be building nests in Spring so you should not trim hedges and shrubs where birds may be nesting at this time of year. If you see birds flitting among bushes with bits of twigs or other material in their beaks then try and give these areas a wide berth to avoid disturbing them.

A male blackbird on the grass looking to the right

If you have a suitable site in your garden you could put up nest boxes. Check out the best type of nest box and position for the birds visiting your garden on the RSPB website.

Carry on feeding birds during the Spring but always ensure that your bird feeders are kept clean to avoid spreading diseases.


Having a water source in your garden is a great way to attract wildlife. This could be anything from shallow dishes of water for birds, insects and other animals to drink from to a pond.

If you have shallow water dishes ensure these are kept clean and consider putting in some pebbles for insects to rest on whilst drinking. For deeper water containers and ponds make sure there’s a way for creatures such as hedgehogs to safely get out of the water.

Spring often sees an increase in blanket weed in ponds. If you rake this out leave it on the side of the pond for 24 hours before disposing of it so that any small creatures in it can get back in the pond. If you haven’t already got one, consider installing a water butt to collect rainwater from your gutters. Not only is rainwater great for watering your plants and refilling ponds, it saves you money and also reduces the amount of water going into our overstretched sewer system.


When choosing new plants for your garden this Spring, try to include a variety of pollen and nectar rich flowering plants that not only look beautiful but also provide food for insects and birds.

white daisy flowers

We hope you have found this article interesting and useful. We intend to produce similar articles for each of the four seasons as part of the Parish Council’s Biodiversity Action Plan.

On behalf of Alpington with Yelverton Parish Council

April 2024 – Jobs to do in the Garden

Spring is on the way and we have lots to do in our gardens preparing for the warmer months ahead. The weather may be unsettled but we can still get outside and work in our gardens whenever the weather allows.

Tidying up

There may still be some leaves lurking under shrubs and other corners in your garden so these can be raked out and flowerbeds tidied up, cutting back any perennials which may still have the old growth from last summer.

Mowing and edging

We can mow our lawns on a high cut if the grass is dry and frost-free and can tidy up the edges by re-cutting them with a half-moon or spade to give a neat edge to the flowerbeds or patio areas. Lawns will also benefit from a dose of lawn feed now.

Sowing Vegetable seeds

If you are planning to grow some vegetables, now is the time to sow tomatoes, runner beans, green peppers and courgettes which can then be planted on in due course. 

Planting up pots and baskets

Spring is the best time for creating new container displays. If you have the space, pot up your plug plants into larger pots as this will be cheaper than buying bigger pot plants later in the season.  Plant up summer baskets and store undercover for putting out in the garden in late May. We can also sow half-hardy bedding plants in seed trays in the greenhouse or indoors on a sunny window cill. 

Maintaining water butts and water features

If you have a pond or water feature, consider giving it a little post-winter maintenance. Clear out ponds: lift put any planting baskets and fish (keeping these in buckets of old pond water), bail out the water, remove sludge and refill with collected rainwater if possible (if you use tap water, let it stand for a week before putting any fish back in).

Check that your water butts are collecting water effectively, that the downpipes are clear and that the taps are working, these can sometimes become blocked with sludge or old leaves.

Protect from frost and wind

April can still bring frosty nights, so be ready to protect tender flowers and vegetables from frosts. Young, upright-growing plants may need some form of support, so stake tall plants to prevent them being damaged in any strong winds.


As the weather warms up, the weeds also start to make an appearance. Keep on top of them by hoeing between plants and treating any paths or driveways with your preferred weedkiller.

As the middle month of Spring, April is such a  positive time, full of gardening promises. It is so uplifting to see the trees and shrubs awaken from their winter dormancy and burst into life, ready for the growing season ahead.

March 2024 – things to do in the Garden

March is the first month of Spring, longer and brighter days at last! There are likely to be some cold weeks but overall the average daily temperature will be increasing, encouraging our gardens into life again.

Plants to buy or enjoy in March

Herbs: Seek out small herb plants to pot up in containers near your back door

Young bedding plants: Look for good value young bedding plants to grow-on in your greenhouse, until they can be planted out.

Some plants to enjoy: Bergenia, Camellia, Daphne, Hellebores, Primroses.

General garden maintenance

• If dry enough, mow lawns and re-cut the edges with a half-moon edging tool
• Dig out a small pond to attract more wildlife
• Put slug barrier products around the new shoots of Hostas
• Replant pots of flowered bulbs from indoors into borders
• Check that tree ties aren’t too tight and that stakes are still firmly in the ground
• Prune out any wind-damaged branches on trees and shrubs
• Check for new shoots of ground elder, fork these up & remove all roots you see
• Place bug boxes in sheltered corners, for insects to lay their eggs
• Keep putting out food for garden birds, as the breeding season gets underway
• Cut back winter-flowering Jasmine to tidy it up and encourage flowers next year

Flowerbeds & pots

• Deadhead any daffodil seedheads on daffodils leaving the leaves to die back naturally
• Finish pruning roses early in the month
• Cut Dogwoods, Willows and Cotinus right down to the base to promote vigorous new growth
• Start sowing hardy annuals outdoors, including California poppies & Nasturtiums
• Tidy up alpines as they start to flower, removing dead foliage, then mulch with grit to keep the foliage off damp soil
• Plant lilies and other summer-flowering bulbs in pots
• Feed ericaceous shrubs, such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias and Pieris, with an ericaceous fertiliser
• Tidy up borders, removing established and newly-germinating weeds, then mulch generously with garden compost
• Plant new roses and other shrubs and climbers
• Sow native wildflower seeds in trays or modules, to produce plants for your own mini-meadow
• Scatter general-purpose fertiliser over flowerbeds and around roses, shrubs and hedges

Fruit & Vegetables

Blackberries and Raspberries

• Give blackcurrant bushes a high-nitrogen feed
• Sow tomatoes, chillies, sweet peppers and aubergines in pots indoors
• Plant onion and shallot sets, spacing them 10-15cm apart, and keep the bed free of weeds
• Avoid carrot root fly by sowing an early crop of carrots under cloches or fleece
• Make the first outdoor sowings of spinach, covering with cloches or fleece
• Plant early potatoes in trenches in the ground or in pots
• Sow parsnips as soon as the soil starts to warm up, as they’re slow to germinate and need a long growing season
• Plant a fig tree in a large container to restrict its roots, which encourages fruiting and limits its overall size
• Start hoeing veg beds as soon as the weather starts to warm up, as weeds will germinate quickly
• Plant strawberries in a hanging basket or trough to keep the fruits away from slugs

Greenhouse or Windowsill

• Open greenhouse vents on sunny days to prevent humidity building up
• Get celeriac, celery, lettuces and parsley off to a good start sowing indoors, to transplant into the garden later
• Sow a selection of vibrant annual climbers, such as Spanish flag (Ipomoea lobata) and black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata)
• Sow Coleus on a warm windowsill to enjoy their vibrant foliage indoors or in tropical-style displays outside
• Sow dwarf French beans in a large pot for an early indoor crop in June
• Pot up overwintering cannas into fresh compost, water in, then place in a warm spot to spur them into growth
• Sow sweet peas in deep pots and keep in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill
• Protect greenhouse sowings of beans, peas & sweet peas from hungry mice

Petition for safety improvements along the A146 between Thurton and Hellington Corner

There’s a currently open petition to Norfolk County Council, with a closing date in 5 days (25th March):

“Safety improvements to A146 for pedestrians and motorists on the A146 between Birch Way Thurton and Hellington Corner”

The local Parish Councils are deeply concerned about the number of road traffic accidents that occur on the A146 between Thurton and Hellington Corner, and the difficulty for pedestrians to safely cross the road to reach bus stops, Thurton school, the George and Dragon Pub and the village hall and play ground.

Click the link below and then click the petition with the title above, it contains the evidence and reasoning, and the details of what’s being proposed.

To sign the petition it’s just a case of adding your name and address.

Road Closure – Brooke – Norwich Road High Green and The Street – 11-12th Feb 2024

BROOKE – Upcoming temporary closure of B1332 Norwich Road, C203 High Green and C203 The Street (basically that’s the main crossroads on the main road through Brooke) for resurfacing works. 11th-12th Feb 2024.

From the official notice:

…affecting the 1) B1332 Norwich Road from 50m north of its junction with C203 The Street for 200m southwards; 2) C203 High Green from its junction with B1332 Norwich Road for 10m westwards; and 3) C203 The Street from its junction with B1332 Norwich Road for 10m eastwards; in the PARISH OF BROOKE to facilitate Norfolk County Council carriageway resurfacing works.

The roads 1), 2) and 3) will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 11th to 12th February 2024 for the duration of the works expected to be about 2 days within the period.